Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Privacy Laws related to Information Technology use Research Paper
Protection Laws identified with Information Technology use - Research Paper Example In such manner, it is doubtful that the protection of individual information relies upon the capacity of associations to utilize safety efforts for the insurance of individual data and private information (Kerr, 2004). The different online organizations and sites, for example, Facebook, Google, LimkedIn, Yahoo and Skype are commanded by the law to secure the protection of people. Notwithstanding the arrangements of the law, it is outstanding that numerous online associations and organizations host revealed private data to third gatherings, for example, publicists who use it without the assent of the holders of the data. Touchy data, for example, budgetary records, bank and charge card subtleties are additionally secured by the legitimate structure. This is because of the requirement for the security of individual information and the ensuing avoidance of conceivable misrepresentation (Gillmor, 1998). The cutting edge processing and value-based conditions are portrayed by web based sho pping and banking. This implies the clients of the web based financial administrations are inclined to the danger of divulgence of their private data to associations (Messmer, 2001). Furthermore, computerized records of representatives inside different association is at a hazard f unapproved access and use. ... that associations and people are shielded from unapproved utilization of private data by inside or outer gatecrashers to data frameworks (Miller and Tucker, 2007). The law likewise shields singular data from abuse by government offices and the media (Sullivan, 2005). As indicated by the fourth amendment, singular information and data must be kept hidden and liberated from unapproved access and use (Lock, Conger and Oz, 1998). This outlines the job of the law in guaranteeing that associations keep the data on their representatives and customers as private as essential (OConnor and Matthews, 2011). Encroachment of the security of individual data is along these lines a lawful offense (Thibodeau, 2001). Now and again overseeing specialists, for example, the police perform intensive observation of a suspect’s private data and exercises. Despite the legitimization that the overseeing specialists give for the encroachment of individual protection, such activities are legitimately off -base (Lock, Conger and Oz, 1998). The crisis of inventive, creative and forward-thinking innovative devices speaks to the test which numerous people and associations face in attempting to accomplish adherence to data security laws. In any case, the utilization of data frameworks inside associations and establishments is credited to the expanded test of making sure about private data (Canoni, 2004). In any case, associations have laid security approaches which are equipped at advancing the requirement of lawful system on the protection of private data (Bernstein, 2007). Data security approaches assume a critical job in characterizing the system of access, recovery, alteration and utilization of private data with a perspective on guaranteeing safeguarding of individual rights to protection
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free College Admissions Essays: Interest in Languages :: College Admissions Essays
My Interest in Languages I can follow my enthusiasm for dialects back to a vacation to the Lleyn Peninsula when I was 6, during which I chose to incorporate a word reference of the Welsh words I saw on signs. My advantage made progress at optional school, and lately I have gotten especially energetic about the language and culture of Spain - an eagerness uplifted by a visit to Galicia the previous summer. While I am getting a charge out of A level French I am quick to accept this open door to discover some new information, subsequently my longing to examine Italian. Italy is a nation which intrigues me and which I couldn't want anything more than to become more acquainted with, and I as of now have some information on the language including the elocution framework. Last term I partook in a French paper composing rivalry sorted out by the Alliance Française, and for my article on Globalization I was granted a Certificat d'Or. A year ago additionally observed my cooperation in the French Exchange with a school in Condé- en-Brie, close to Reims, which I found an important understanding into French culture just as an opportunity to improve my language. Aside from my French and Spanish investigations, I have sought after different dialects at different occasions. A year ago I took the one-year GCSE course in Latin that my school offers, which I have discovered fascinating and exceptionally advantageous just as an assistance with and knowledge into Romance dialects. Out of eagerness for the West of Scotland and enthusiasm for Scottish spot names I have taken in some Gaelic, and I as of late began to show myself German. I have been chosen delegate head kid with obligation regarding foundation during the current year, and in this position I would like to proceed with the noteworthy raising support endeavors of earlier years for nearby and national causes. I have effectively finished my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's honor, for which I took up rock-climbing and helped inhabitants in a nearby nursing home. I am on the council of the Debating Society and have spoken in various discussions in the Society's first year; through school I have likewise participated in an open talking rivalry sorted out by the Rotary Club, for which I talked as a component of a group of three on how we will see life in the following thousand years. I am a sharp entertainer, and have had driving jobs in creations both all through school.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Poetry Prescriptions
Poetry Prescriptions Scene: Monday night in a green boarding house. Poetry books, cookie crumbs, and light are scattered across the dining room tables. There is a lively murmur and a beat in the background. IAP is one week in. I spent the weekend drawing, cutting, and gluing together my first project for a month-long intensive Introduction to Architecture and Environmental Design class, taking a break to walk along the Charles with a new-ish friend, have dinner with an older one, and attend the latest iteration of the Wandering Cricket Night Market after a thunderstorm. Now, after dozens of hours in the architecture studio and a full day of presentations and review, Im deciding to be at home. Im taking stock of the semester that passed. In the beginning, it was like a full-blown middle-school crush. I had a giant crush on MIT. I signed up for a million classes (five and a half, actually, or 66 units, which number turns out to feel like a million to me) and I loved them all and walked around feeling fireworks all the time. I moved to pika, and with Michael Waldrep, a masters student in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, made this. In This Building: 69 Chestnut Street, or pika from MIT CoLab on Vimeo. Video by Michael Waldrep. October and September: I took weekends away. I camped in New Hampshire with MIT Outing Club, listened to bluegrass at the FreshGrass festival Mass MoCA, toured the rocky outcrops of western Massachusetts and upstate New York with my geology class, 12.001, and went to Maine with forty-something urban planners-in-the-making, among whom the median age was mine plus six or ten years. My schedule was a series of marvelous adventures. Regrettably, I didnt blog. Cambridge Carnival in September. Julia Ellermeier, 14 and Christopher Sarabalis, 14 at FreshGrass FreshGrass Bluegrass Roots Festival at Mass MoCA, North Adams. A sculpture at Mass MoCA. Bryant Pond, Maine with the MCP (Masters in City Planning) crowd. November and December: I did psets. I did psets and wrote essays. I wrote essays. I still loved most of my classes. I loved Voice and Meaning, the writing class I took with Ta-Nehisi Coates, the best teacher Ive had in my entire life aside from my dad*. I loved the half-semester class I took on multimedia and place-based storytelling. That ended, and the psets kept coming, and I waxed nostalgic for high school daysnot because I wanted to be in high school again, but because I missed having time to lie down. I stressed out. I came close to a couple of meltdowns. I counted on my roommates to help me chill out. I made half-formed jokes, drank buckets of tea, and cooked for forty every Friday night. Thats how pika works. It was a hell of a semestermostly in a good way, not always, but mostly. Im still sorting it out in my head. Im drawing conclusions.** At the end, I went home. I have a few homes now: the one I live in, the one I left, the one my family keeps. I went back to Santa Fe, where it could be t-shirt weather with snow on the ground, snow only in the shadows of junipers, where there are Christmas cholla blooming yellow and the Center for Contemporary Arts shows movies every night and serves popcorn with nutritional yeast. The bookstore I frequent in Santa Fe was once a jail that held Billy the Kid. My family lives in a small rented adobe two blocks from my sisters elementary school, a mile from the old city plaza. In the days leading up to Christmas, people line the sidewalks with farolitos (tea lights in paper bags weighed down with sand), and on Christmas Eve, an informal parade flows up Canyon Road. There are campfires in driveways, where you can stand by strangers to warm your hands, and there are jugs of hot cider set out unattended for you to drink. There are men in top hats playing carols on trombones and couples hol ding hands. Home was beautiful. My family is crazy and good. I read a lot at home, and I started writing poetry. Tonight, after dinner, I brought out my stacks of books and offered my friends prescriptions. Tell me your problems and your life, and Ill give you a poem to address them. They asked for poems to address existential angst, pretty girls, and sleeplessness. I did my best. Ill do it for you, too. Write to [emailprotected], tell me something about you, and Ill send you a poem. Christmas Eve in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Photo credit to Jacob Ahrens-Balwit, UW-Madison. *Having a five-year-old sister, I get to see for myself, from a new perspective, how my dad taught me about the world. My last night in Santa Fe, he told a bedtime story in which Wee Willy Winky and Jacques Cousteau were brothers. The acronym scuba stood for little can of air I strap on my back. While Wee Willy Winky made his nightly rounds, Jacques Cousteau learned how to breathe underwater. When W.W.W. returned home, exhausted by the effort of convincing rowdy kids go to bed, brother Jacques told him stories of shimmering turquoise water and strange colorful fish. In a surprising twist, W.W.W. has sleep apnea, and when he falls asleep in the middle of his brothers story, Jacques hooks him up to the little can of air. Wee Willy Winky dreams of marvelous fish and a man in scuba gear swimming toward him. **Conclusion number one is that I have to blog more. I write all the time, but I have a little stage fright. I talk to strangers all the time, but not to so many at once, and not from such a distance, the way Im talking to you right now. My next blog post, in one week, will contain the rest of my conclusions.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Death Of A Salesman by Arthur Miller Essay - 670 Words
Death Of A Salesman by Arthur Miller Willys character is one of a common man, he isnt anything special, nor ever was he. He chose to follow the American dream and he chose to lead the life it gave him. Willy made the American dream his culture, and the American dream made Willy its victim. The American dream is the belief that through sheer hard work alone, any man can gain professional success and thus receive personal gain (wealth, brand name goods etc.). Failure to fulfil the American dream, is failure in life. Willy Loman is stuck in a vicious cycle brought on by the American dream. He cannot bring himself to admit that he has failed as a salesman due to his self-pride; therefore he†¦show more content†¦Friendships and contacts are irrelevant, yet Willy cannot adjust to these changes in values that have occurred over time. Willys weakness, is his failure to understand how the business world works and learning to adapt to new changes in time. It isnt about having contacts and being liked, it is about being diligent and ruthless; Business is business. Willys failure to adapt is proven in Howards office: In those days, there was personality in it, Howard. There was respect, and gratitude in it. Today, its all cut and dried, and theres no chance for friendship to bear - or personality. What he says, proves that he cannot adapt to change, and will never succeed in becoming the successful businessman that he has tried to be all his life. Willy wants to prove himself through success as a salesman, but as he fails, his own life destroys him. Willy Loman is a victim of the American dream and capitalism. The American dream sucks people in and doesnt let them leave. The American dream becomes the American cult. This cult will entice people in by promising them riches and success and then wont let them leave simply because it states that if you quit a job you become a quitter and, according to the American dream, quitters are failures. Willy Loman is a victim of his own determination. Willy fails toShow MoreRelatedDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1387 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican play-write Arthur Miller, is undoubtedly Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman in 1949 at the time when America was evolving into an economic powerhouse. Arthur Miller critiques the system of capitalism and he also tells of the reality of the American Dream. Not only does he do these things, but he brings to light the idea of the dysfunctional family. Death of a Salesman is one of America’s saddest tragedies. In Arthur Miller’s, Death of a Salesman, three major eventsRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller888 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman†is a play written by Arthur Miller in the year 1949. The play revolves around a desperate salesman, Willy Loman. Loman is delusioned and most of the things he does make him to appear as a man who is living in his own world away from oth er people. He is disturbed by the fact that he cannot let go his former self. His wife Linda is sad and lonely; his youngest son Biff is presented as a swinger/player while his eldest son Happy appears anti-business and confused by the behaviorRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1573 Words  | 7 Pagesrepresents a character with a tragic flaw leading to his downfall. In addition, in traditional tragedy, the main character falls from high authority and often it is predetermined by fate, while the audience experiences catharsis (Bloom 2). Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman is considered to be a tragedy because this literary work has some of the main characteristics of the tragedy genre. In this play, the main character Willy Loman possesses such traits and behaviors that lead to his downfall, and theRead MoreDeath of Salesman by Arthur Miller972 Words  | 4 PagesIn the play Death of a Salesman by the playwright Arthur Miller, the use of names is signific ant to the characters themselves. Many playwrights and authors use names in their works to make a connection between the reader and the main idea of their work. Arthur Miller uses names in this play extraordinarily. Not only does Miller use the names to get readers to correlate them with the main idea of the play, but he also uses names to provide some irony to the play. Miller uses the meanings of someRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1628 Words  | 7 PagesArthur Miller wrote the Pulitzer Prize winning play Death of a Salesman in 1949. The play inflated the myth of the American Dream of prosperity and recognition, that hard work and integrity brings, but the play compels the world to see the ugly truth that capitalism and the materialistic world distort honesty and moral ethics. The play is a guide toward contemporary themes foreseen of the twentieth century, which are veiled with greed, power, and betrayal. Miller’s influence with the play spreadRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller949 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman can be described as modern tragedy portraying the remaining days in the life of Willy Loman. This story is very complex, not only because of it’s use of past and present, but because of Willy’s lies that have continued to spiral out of control throughout his life. Arthur Miller puts a modern twist on Aristotle’s definition of ancient Greek tragedy when Willy Loman’s life story directly identifies the fatal flaw of the â€Å"American Dream†. Willy Loman’s tragic flaw can be recappedRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller846 Words  | 4 PagesA Dime a Dozen The Death of a Salesman is a tragedy written by playwright Arthur Miller and told in the third person limited view. The play involves four main characters, Biff, Happy, Linda, and Willy Loman, an ordinary family trying to live the American Dream. Throughout the play however, the family begins to show that through their endeavors to live the American Dream, they are only hurting their selves. The play begins by hinting at Willy’s suicidal attempts as the play begins with Linda askingRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller Essay2538 Words  | 11 PagesSurname 1 McCain Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: Date: Death of a Salesman Death of a salesman is a literature play written by American author Arthur Miller. The play was first published in the year 1949 and premiered on Broadway in the same year. Since then, it has had several performances. It has also received a lot of accordances and won numerous awards for its literature merit including the coveted Pulitzer for drama. The play is regarded by many critics as the perfectRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller2081 Words  | 9 Pages#1 â€Å"Death of a Salesman†by Arthur Miller is a tragedy, this play has only two acts and does not include scenes in the acts. Instead of cutting from scene to scene, there is a description of how the lighting focuses on a different place or time-period, which from there, they continue on in a different setting. The play doesn’t go in chronological order. A lot of the play is present in Willy’s flashbacks or memories of events. This provides an explanation of why the characters are acting a certainRead MoreDeath Of Salesman By Arthur Miller1475 Words  | 6 Pagesto death to achieve their so- called American dream. They live alone and there is no love of parents and siblings. They may have not noticed the America dream costs them so much, which will cause a bigger regret later. In the play Death of Salesman, Arthur Miller brings a great story of a man who is at very older age and still works hard to achieve his desire, which is the American dream. Later, he no tices that his youth is gone and there is less energy in his body. Willy Loman is a salesman, who
Sunday, May 10, 2020
List of Toefl Essay Topics Tips
List of Toefl Essay Topics Tips Take a look at our writing services reviews and find out how top rated essay writing companies do the job. It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer as you can not ever be sure whether you are employing the correct service or not. As a conclusion, our group of skilled experts also provides a last verdict which will help you make a well-informed choice. Afterwards, the greatest action to do is to narrow the subject down according to the guidelines supplied by your professor. There are a few different means by which you might structure an essay like, but the simplest one could possibly be the very best. If you're thinking that you will need someone to compose my essay at the moment, you can merely rely on our honest reviews. At some stage, you're likely to be requested to compose an argumentative essay. If you wish to compose the essay yourself, we believe it would be best to select a universal subject or issue. In the event you can't find your subject here, don't hesitate to have a talk with our staff and set an order for a customized history essay on your distinct subject. You're able to still obtain a great score with minor errors. Use certain reasons to come up with your essay. The Meaning of List of Toefl Essay Topics Successful sports professionals can make a whole lot more income than people in other vital professions. The majority of the questions are on current topics, therefore staying updated with what's going on in the world is really going to help you think of ideas. Lots of people say that the only method to guarantee a superior job is to finish a plan of university education. Some individuals believe your community would be a fantastic place to track down the university. You recently heard that the community you are living in may be receiving a new high school, which is not yet been built. Other music appears boring and meaningless. Some students utilize the very first idea that arrives in their head and work on it, but the outcome isn't profitable. You've recently heard your community is to become home to a newly developed restaurant. Other folks think that such competition seriously limits the standard of genuine learning. Compare both of these choices. No cost online small business plan guide. You may be requested to compose an essay about technology, education, media, loved ones, or another subject. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to prevent low high quality services. A nation should require all its students to study exactly the same national curriculum till they enter college. Do not attempt to write without a strategy! The One Thing to Do for List of Toefl Essay Topics Prizes and awards are usually utilised to recognize excellence across an assortment of areas. Instead, you've got to think of your own subject from an enormous pool of possibilities. Knowing the most usual IELTS essay topics enables you to revolve around the main vocabulary. One of the most difficult sections to prep for on the TOEFL may be the essay. Take a look at this list of SAT essay prompts that will help you kickstart your studying! See it Writing for Standardized Tests for more information on how to write this type of essay. If you're feeling overwhelmed just don't forget that you're being tested on your capacity to comprehend and use the English language. The point is that someone with a wide ranging vocabulary needs to be in a position to chat about any of the typical essay topics easily using words that are particular to that topic. There are two major means by which you can use the most frequent IELTS essay topics to your benefit. The teachers don't always assign the specific topic. To put it differently, you are able to learn some phrasal verbs! Formal phrasal verbs may be used in situations which are more official, academic or professional. Some people think that government officials must execute the will of the people they serve. They should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Most individuals work with or will likely work with various sorts of people. Other people would rather travel alone.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Age Segregation in Pakistan Free Essays
Richard and Gill walker, looks into the social context of housing for aged ones. It covers the demographic material, facts about social framework of housing for older people. This includes a review of demographic information, evidence relating to the needs, perspectives and choices of the aged people with respect to this housing, along the problems of segregation and marginalization and their impact on their livings. We will write a custom essay sample on Age Segregation in Pakistan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Attitudes towards Old Age: A Study of the Self-Image of Aged is another article by Philip O. SiJuwade, which looks into the ifferent approaches , stereotypes, and age factors which regulates suitable behaviors for the older ones(social image). It states that, old ones have developed their self-image too, which depicts the way they think of themselves and the way ‘others’ think of them. This article is based on primary research states that stereotypes have been built about the aged people of the society and they are not treated in the way they deserve to be. Residential satisfaction of the older adults in age-segregated facilities is an article by Sandra G. Reynolds and Julia O. Beamish hich looks into the housing satisfaction of old home people with liberated living services. Twenty one residents contributed as a focus group and results showed that these old people liked safe and secure atmosphere and value good design, friendly neighborhood, privacy and residential characteristics. Social Isolation and Loneliness in Old Age: Review and Model Refinemnt is an article by G. Clare Wenger and Richard Davis, presents an empirical literature on social isolation and marginalization and links it with an existing publication. He indicates that main factors of social solation includes marital status, social interaction, health conditions, behavior of ‘others’, type ot networking and loss ot mobility One ot the tamous sociologists Livson conducted a research ,’The Transition into Retirement and Old Age’ in 1962 and found that survival of family, economic condition and health condition along with other factors plays important role as individuals adopts to grow old. She is of the view that changes in economic and health status are not only the issues which require our attention. Most important issue is the adjustment of that particular person into the current situation according to the increasing age. Methodology: My research methodology constitutes both primary and secondary research. My primary research was basically a qualitative one, and I choose to visit an old house situated near Bhhatta Chowk. In old house, I interviewed a total of 15 people in two visits to old house. In those 15 people, 12 were the residents of old house, 7 of them were male and 5 were female. Other than these 12 people I interviewed three more ladies who were there to visit their friends. My interviews were structured and semi structured and I asked question according to the situation and personality of the erson. The focus of my questions generally revolved around their perspective about this residential segregation and the bonds they have developed within themselves in the old house. So extract the proper information I had discussions about their family background and the reasons for which they preferred or forced to live in old house. How to cite Age Segregation in Pakistan, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Wars - Mexico, Spain, United States Essays -
Wars - Mexico, Spain, United States Spanish settlement of the west International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is today the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet what is now Southwestern America, it was not England and Spain, rather the two powers, which consisted of the United States and Mexico. Both counties had broken off from their mother countries. The conflict that erupted between the two countries where a direct result of different nation policies. The United States had a policy of westward expansion, while Mexico had a policy of protecting itself. The Americans never had a written policy of expansion. What they had was the idea of the Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific Ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the expansion of the United States. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, which today is the American Southwest, was with Coronado. Coronado reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the region. The driving force behind the settlement was silver a valuable metal alloy found in the region. The Spanish settled the region through three major corridors; central, western and eastern. The first settlements were mainly through the central corridor. The Spanish went through what is now the modern Mexican State of Chihuahua into the U.S. State of New Mexico. Eventually the Spanish established the city of Santa Fe in 1689. The eastern corridor was through modern day Texas and led to the establishment of San Antonio. The eastern expansion was caused by the French expansion into modern day Louisiana. The Spanish crown wanted a buffer between the French in Louisiana and central Mexico. The last corridor of expansion was in the west, through the sea, which led to the establishment of San Diego in 1769 and Los Angles in 1781. The Spanish were not the only European power to colonize the New World; French, English and the Dutch also settled North and South America. The Spanish and the French settled what is present day U.S.-Mexico border region. The French settled modern day U.S. mid-west, while the Spanish settled present day Mexico and U.S. southwest. As time went on, European influence in the region diminished. The French sold their claims to the United States, in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821. Once the United States bought the Louisiana Purchase, western expansion began. This set the stage for major conflict in the region. The United States gained independence from England in 1775. After 1775, the Americans started to expand west. By the time Mexico gained independence, the United States had reached the Mexican frontier. Mexico needed to protect its northern borders. To protect the border region, Mexico needed to populate the area. Mexico continued the policy started by Spain of allowing Americans to settle Texas. The Americans had to follow Mexican law, religion and customs. The settlement of Texas played into the United States' expansion plans. Eventually Mexico City closed Texas from more Americans from entering. This angered the Americans wanting to enter and Americans already living in Texas. Texas revolted from Mexico in 1833. Mexicans did live in Texas, and fought for the independence of Texas. The majority of Texans were American sand fought for their independence. After the war the Americans intentionally or non-intentionally forced most Mexicans out of Texas. The ones that stayed faced racial tensions that continue to today. After gaining independence from Mexico, Texas wanted to join
Friday, March 20, 2020
Guide on How to Write a Classification Essay Know-How
Guide on How to Write a Classification Essay Know-How The Definition of a Classification Essay The most straightforward approach to clarify the essence of a classification paper is that it is a formal bit of composition intended to exhibit your abilities in categorizing and generalization. You will need to sort out your chosen subject into categories and present examples that fit each. It is up to you to decide on what will serve as a criterion for characterization, but you should be able to clarify your thinking. Pre-writing Tips from Our Writing Experts In order to write an effective classification essay, you should do research and gather as much information as possible. To start with, ask yourself such thing: â€Å"What am I interested in?†, â€Å"In what categories it can include?†, â€Å"What is a criterion for my classification?†, and â€Å"Are there enough accurate examples to describe those categories?†The following tips ought to help you answer these questions. 1. Choosing a Topic for a Classification Essay There is a wide range of available topics that you can explore in your essay. These are some of the examples that you can use: Types of Political Systems; Models of Parental Education; Genres of Video Games; Types of Healthy Diets; Effective Techniques to Quit Smoking; Types of Behavioral Disorders; Philosophical Theories of Human Identification; Classification of Art Movements; Types of Drinkers; Types of Conspiracy Theories; Classification of College Students; Popular Types of YouTube Videos. As you see, there is a myriad of topics to choose from since there are many subjects that can be put into categories. Just pick one of them and proceed to the next step – classification. 2. Define Categories Make sure that your categories match each other and that you did not leave out any critical ones. For instance, if you examine the types of political systems, then it would be reasonable to take into consideration the most common ones, such as Democracy, Republic, and Communism. However, if you decide to substitute Democracy with Theocracy, then your list of categories would be inappropriate since, in contrast to the other mentioned examples, Theocracy is an unconventional political system. 3. Choose Your Criteria for a Classification Once you defined your categories, it is vital to fit them into a specific organizing principle. Ask yourself how you would like to sort them. For instance, your criteria for the classification of political systems can consider their effectiveness. What form of government is found to be the most effective? Build your essay on the discussion of each of the mentioned types in accordance with this particular principle. The Structure of a Classification Essay Following a strict structure in a classification essay is essential. The most popular and effective approach to writing essays is the â€Å"five paragraph†method. It comprises three parts: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. In fact, each section of the paper should perform its specific role. 1. Introduction It is of utmost importance to start your essay right in order to evoke interest in a reader. What constitutes a good introduction is, first of all, a â€Å"hook†or in other words a sentence that can grab attention instantly. A hook can be a quote of an eminent person, statistics, or an anecdote. For instance, if you are writing an essay that classifies types of drinkers, then your introduction can begin with the following sentence: Ernest Hemingway once said, â€Å"I drink to make other people more interesting.†In this manner, the name of this famous author and his quote, which is connected to your topic, will earn your readers’ attention. After you managed to get people interested in your topic, smoothly lead them to the subject of the research. Explain to your readers what is going to be categorized in the essay. After this, get straight to the point by introducing the purpose of your classification essay. The last and the most significant part of your classification essay introduction is a thesis. A thesis statement is something that any essay should contain. A solid thesis should follow a set of specific rules in accordance with the type of paper. In this manner, for classification essay, a thesis statement should introduce the topic, provide the criteria for classification, and aptly name chosen categories. However, sometimes it is hard for writers to build a strong thesis. Here is an example of a weak thesis statement that concerns the topic of political systems: â€Å"There are such forms of government as Democracy, Republic, and Communism.†As you might have noticed, this sentence only names the categories and the topic of the research but fails to demonstrate a criterion of classification. In turn, a strong thesis on the same topic will combine all three aspects: â€Å"The forms of government that survived through ages, each effective in its own way, are Democracy, Republic, and Communism.†This thesis statement vividly introduces the topic, provides the criteria of classification, which is longevity and efficiency, and names the categories that are going to be examined in the paper. 2. Body Paragraphs The body of the paper is a core fragment of the research where you ought to prove that your abilities to gather and analyze information are flawless. Keep in mind that each paragraph should display only one particular idea. For instance, if you have three different classifications, then your paper is likely to be divided into three body sections, each of which covers one of the chosen categories. What is more important, make sure to put quality before quantity since it is always better to write a few body paragraphs that would provide enough supporting material and finish your thought, than to disperse your attention in numerous short and incomplete sections. You can order your body paragraphs in accordance with your criterion. For instance, if your classification is aimed at defining the most effective type of healthy diets, then you can start with the weakest approach and finish with the one that you consider being the most efficient. Thus, you will provide your readers with the impression of gradation so as to show that there is something more useful in the next paragraph than it is in the previous. Topic sentence: Start your body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the fragment’s central idea to a reader. In a classification essay, such sentence should show how a discussed category is connected to the criteria of classification. Pros and cons: If possible, consider both strength and weaknesses of a discussed category. For instance, if the topic of your classification essay concerns the types of political systems, then mentioning these two opposites is vital for the understanding of the governments’ capabilities and incompetence. Provide examples: It is critical for a classification essay to back up your categories with relevant examples. Keep in mind, however, that you should strive to distribute them between the paragraphs evenly. In this manner, if your first body fragment examines two examples of its category, then the following sections should do appropriately the same. Use sources: The usage of sources is a crucial element of any academic piece of writing, and a classification essay is not an exception. You should incorporate accurate quotes from authoritative sources so that your statements would not look empty or far-fetched. Make sure, however, that you follow a required formatting style rules, since, for instance, an MLA in-text quote will look slightly different from that of APA format. Transition: Try to create a transition between the body paragraphs, so that it would not look like a mere list of categories. You should show how each of them relates to each other and the chosen criteria of classification. There are numerous transitional phrases that will help you achieve the desired unity of the text. 3. Conclusion The last but not the least section of your classification essay is the concluding paragraph. In this fragment, you have to summarize briefly every important idea that was mentioned in the paper. At first, start your conclusion with a corresponding phrase that would indicate summarization, and restate your thesis. Then, make a summary of the selected categories, so as to underscore the work done. Besides, do not give any new information in the concluding paragraph since it would mean that you have failed to explore your topic in the body section fully. Create a Plan of an Essay Remember that even a simple outline can serve as a significant boost for your productivity and contribute to the efficiency of the essay’s message. Furthermore, an outline ought to help you organize your ideas and show whether there is a relationship between them. Thus, it is always better to plan your writing beforehand so that you would not face a deadlock during the process. An outline should consist of short but informative statements that will guide you through problematic situations. It is a space in which you should try to incorporate each of the mentioned above tips and which defines the order of your essay’s sections. Here is an example of how an outline should be structured according to the â€Å"five paragraphs†method: Introduction Hook: Explain what is going to be categorized. Background: Name the purpose of your essay. Thesis statement: Build a thesis statement according to the following technique: topic, criteria of classification, list of selected categories. Three Body Paragraphs Describe Each of the Categories in the Following Manner: Topic sentence: Show relation to classification criteria; Use sources: Incorporate supporting material; Pros and cons: Name strengths and weaknesses; Provide several examples. Conclusion Restate the thesis; Briefly summarize each of the categories. This scheme of an outline can perfectly fit any topic of a classification essay and will undoubtedly prove its effectiveness during the writing process. All you have to do is to choose a specific subject of exploration, fill in the spaces accordingly, and extend them to a required limit. Post-writing Tips The moment of triumph after finishing writing the paper should not prevent you from revising it. If you want your classification essay to be effective, then make sure that you follow such post-writing activities as: 1. Proofreading At first, proofread your essay from its very beginning until the end. Pay particular attention to grammar and punctuation since the most commonly made mistakes are often connected with them. The most critical issues are usually caused due to tense disagreements, incorrectly spelled words or missed commas. Besides, strive to get your essay devoid of personal pronouns like â€Å"I†or â€Å"we†since it is unacceptable in academic writing. Although all these problems might seem not significant, they really do affect readers’ perception of the text and attitude towards its author. In fact, there are numerous platforms, such as Grammarly, that will help you with proofreading. 2. Referencing Do not forget to double check the places where you used in-text citations and a reference page. Make sure that the paper follows required formatting style guidelines. In case there are any places where you are uncertain whether you used a correct reference to a source, then you can consult the Purdue OWL website, where you can find rules and examples of the formatting styles. 3. Editing After revising the paper, you may notice that it is still incomplete. Maybe there is an idea in a body paragraph that you have not examined to the fullest, or perhaps you used passive voice too often? Remember that editing is also a part of the writing process, so try to give it proper time and consideration. Conclusion All of this information is a piece of fundamental knowledge for those who want to write a classification essay. Remember that the first draft is not always excellent, but it is a thorough revision that makes it perfect. You should also know that there is no ultimate recipe for an effective classification essay, but the mentioned above classification essay writing tips ought to facilitate your writing process and help you reach the best possible result. References 100 Classification essay topics for your next assignment. Retrieved from https://randomessaytopics.com/classification/ Classification division essay. Retrieved from https://owl.excelsior.edu/rhetorical-styles/classification-and-division-essay/ Ekincier, G. (2011). Classification essay. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/gulerek/classification-essay Nordquist, R. (2018). What are 50 topics to classify paragraphs, essays, and more?. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/writing-topics-classification-1690531 Writing a classification paper. Retrieved from butte.edu/departments/cas/tipsheets/style_purpose_strategy/classification_paper.html
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Jameson Raid, December 1895
The Jameson Raid, December 1895 The Jameson Raid was an ineffective attempt to overthrow President Paul Kruger of the Transvaal Republic in December 1895. There are several reasons why the Jameson Raid took place. Tens of thousand of uitlanders had settled in the Transvaal following the discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand in 1886. The influx threatened the political independence of the recently formed republic (negotiated at the 1884 London Convention, three years after the 1st Anglo-Boer War). Transvaal relied on revenue generated by the gold mines, but the government refused to grant the uitlanders the franchise, and kept upping the period required to qualify for citizenship.The Transvaal government was considered to be excessively conservative over economic and industrial policy, and the various non-Afrikaner mining magnates in the region desired a greater political voice.There was a significant level of distrust between the Cape Colony government and that of the Transvaal republic over Krugers attempt to claim control of Bechuanaland in contravention of the 1884 London Convention. The region was subsequently declared a British protectorate. Leander Starr Jameson, who lead the raid, had first arrived in Southern Africa in 1878, lured by the discovery of diamonds near Kimberley. Jameson was a qualified medical doctor, known to his friends (including Cecil Rhodes, one of the founders of the De Beers Mining Company who became premier of Cape Colony in 1890) as Dr Jim. In 1889 Cecil Rhodes formed the British South Africa (BSA) Company, which was given a Royal Charter, and with Jameson acting as emissary, sent a Pioneer Column across the Limpopo River into Mashonaland (what is now the northern part of Zimbabwe) and then into Matabeleland (now south-west Zimbabwe and parts of Botswana). Jameson was given the post of administrator for both regions. In 1895 Jameson was commissioned by Rhodes (now prime minister of Cape Colony) to lead a small mounted force (around 600 men) into the Transvaal to support an expected uitlander uprising in Johannesburg. They departed from Pitsani, on the Bechuanaland (now Botswana) border on 29 December. 400 Men came from the Matabeleland Mounted Police, the rest were volunteers. They had six Maxim guns and three light artillery pieces. The uitlander uprising failed to materialize. Jamesons force made first contact with a small contingent of Transvaal soldiers on 1 January, who had blocked the road to Johannesburg. Withdrawing during the night, Jamesons men tried to outflank the Boers, but were finally forced to surrender on 2 January 1896 at Doornkop, approximately 20km west of Johannesburg. Jameson and various uitlander leaders were handed over to British authorities in the Cape and sent back to the UK for trial in London. Initially they were convicted of treason and sentenced to death for their part in the plan, but the sentences were commuted to heavy fines and token prison stays - Jameson served only four months of a 15 month sentence. The British South Africa Company was required to pay nearly  £1 million in compensation to the Transvaal government. President Kruger gained much international sympathy (the Transvaals David verses the Goliath of the British empire), and bolstered his political standing at home (he won the 1896 presidential election against a strong rival Piet Joubert) because of the raid. Cecil Rhodes was forced to retire as prime minister of the Cape Colony, and never truly regained his prominence, although he negotiated a peace with various Matabele indunas in his fiefdom of Rhodesia. Leander Starr Jameson returned to South Africa in 1900, and after the death of Cecil Rhodes in 1902 took over leadership of the Progressive Party. He was elected prime minister of the Cape Colony in 1904 and lead the Unionist Party after the Union of South Africa in 1910. Jameson retired from politics in 1914 and died in 1917.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Biochemistry of Nutrition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Biochemistry of Nutrition - Assignment Example The mechanisms included in DNA tolerance are a replicative bypass of template damage with gap formation and translesion DNA synthesis. This paper attempts to throw light on DNA repair by direct repair mechanisms. The major source of base damage upon exposure to UV radiation at wavelengths near absorption maximum of DNA is the production of photo products such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 pyrimidine-pyrimidones. The photoproducts mediate DNA damage by posing serious threats to viability and functional integrity of cells by interfering with vital processes including DNA replication and transcription. The reversal of DNA damage through photoreactivation is a mechanism that involves the repair of photoproducts. The light-dependent process reverses DNA damage through monomerization of cis-syn-cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers. Furthermore, the trans-syn-cyclobutyl pyrimidine is also repaired through the light-dependent repair process. The process involves the formation of a DNA complex with photoreactivating enzyme. The complex absorbs light (>300nm) which causes the repair of the damaging photoproducts after which the native DNA is restored after the release of photoreactivating enzyme. The depletion of one or more nutrients results in sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. A spore product called thyminyl-thymine adduct is formed when Bacillus subtilis is exposed to UV radiation at ~240nm. The repair of spore photoproduct occurs during early germination and is mediated through the SP-specific repair process. Furthermore, spore photoproducts are also repaired through nucleotide excision repair system. The formation of O6-Methylguanine occurs as a result of damage caused by the presence of alkylating agents such as N-methyl-N-nitrosoguanidine.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Recommendation of process routes for the sepration of LPG Essay
Recommendation of process routes for the sepration of LPG - Essay Example To separate these two constituents, several processes can be used. This method involves the recovery and increase in the purity of the light hydrocarbons butane and propane from their mixture in liquid petroleum gas. It is based on the distillation of the gas by controlled heating and cooling, by taking gain of the diverse boiling points of the hydrocarbons. Fractionating columns are used with labels if the hydrocarbon is separated by evaporation. Liquid petroleum gas composition of propane and butane which makes up to 40% natural gas is extracted as a liquid mixture in a fractionating column (Zlokarnik, 2002). After its extraction from natural gas, the refrigerated liquid petroleum gas is passed through an absorber column where it is mixed with lean oil at a temperature of 238 degrees Celsius to allow for the absorption of the liquid petroleum gas products. This process is accelerated by elevated pressure and low temperature and the refrigeration of the liquid petroleum gas is ensured by using a closed loop circulation of a refrigerant in centrifugal compressors. The liquid petroleum gas is precooled before it enters a de-ethanizer column with a pressure lower than the pressure of the liquid petroleum gas. In the de-ethanizer, ethane and other lighter components in the liquid petroleum gas are removed. A constant temperature is maintained in the column by using a reboiler placed at the bottom of the fractionating column to supply heat. The overhead vapour is recycled to recover any escaped propane from the evaporated gas. The residue is then passed through a rich oil still column where th e lean oil is separated using distillation. The liquid petroleum gas that is separated is condensed in a reflux condenser and is then directed into fractionating columns. Depropanizer and debutanizer systems are used to separate the stabilized
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Compare Law Of Defamation In Us And Britain Media Essay
Compare Law Of Defamation In Us And Britain Media Essay Introduction The purpose of this report is to compare the law of defamation in the United States and the United Kingdom. Considering the defense is open to a journalist accused of libel, an analysis will be given as to which system better serve society. In considering a comparison of defamation law in the United States and the United Kingdom, it is useful to consider points of advantage and disadvantage. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages will help to demonstrate which system better serve society. An overall assessment shows that, while the United States may have disadvantages associated with the defamation law system, the British system has many glaring problems that undermine free speech and equity. This means that the British system does not serve society better. Such analysis will be supported by referring to the sources of free speech guarantees, which in the US are guaranteed by the Constitution, the burden of proof, which in the US wife with the plaintiff, and the cost and ease of access, which in Britain is a situation that has spiraled out of control. Sources of Free Speech Guarantees In critically investigating the advantages of defamation law in the United States for journalists, Crook (2010) indicates that the existence of the First Amendment is advantages for journalists, a point well voiced by other legal practitioners (Meiklejohn, 1961; Byrne, 1989). The reason why is because it guarantees them, through the Constitution, the right of free speech. This means both at the federal level or otherwise cannot block the freedom of speech and that is the fundamental guarantee. In America, the case that sets the constitutional principles for libel is the case of New York Times versus Sullivan (Crook, 2010). Because of the constitutional right of the freedom of expression in the United States, there is more of a positive culture for the freedom of expression (Crook, 2010, p. 237), a perspective again voiced by other writers like Fiss (1988) who said the freedom of speech amendment to the constitution defines we America is as a nation. Indeed, there is more room given t o the rights of the freedom of the press as a result, among other advantages. In the United Kingdom, there are not a constitutional principles established. In other words, in the UK, there are not any constitutional provisions on free speech law like the United States. Crook (2005) explains the reason for this being is because the UK does not have a federal legal system or Constitution. As well, the UK is subject to unique forces like the European Court and the European communities. Still, the legal framework with regard to the freedom of speech and United Kingdom is found in the rulings of Reynolds versus Times and Turkington v Times. Burden of Proof Another advantage of the defamation law within the United States is the burden of proof for journalists is on the plaintiff. The evidence the US plaintiff has to present during cases of defamation includes the following. In particular, a U.S. plaintiff has to prove that the communication was executed to purposely injure reputation, that the message is false and publish to a third-party (Watts, 2004). Further, if the definition is associated with public officials or in the interests of the public, the requirements extend further. In such cases, the US plaintiff will have to prove actual malice and negligence (Crook, 2010). This is not the case in the United Kingdom where the burden of proof is said to lay with the defendant. With the burden of proof lying on the defendant rather than the plaintiffs, such the underlying assumption is that any offending speech has the potential to be untrue and the writer or author has to prove that it is true (Crook, 2010). Again, this is in contrast to the United States where, in order to succeed, the plaintiffs have to prove this speech is false and has been published with a disregard for the truth. The thoughts of the disadvantages because, when compared with the United States system, the plaintiff is in charge of providing evidence of an injury to reputation. Costs and Ease of Access Another disadvantage that has been associated with the defamation law for UK journalists are the costs involved. Crook (2010) documents the fact that attempting to defend against libel is way expensive, and as a result those who are able to defend against any attacks on reputation or against libel are generally those who are more powerful or who are wealthier in society. As a related concern, there has also been in the documentation of substantial awards of damages, and the amount of awards that are given are thought to heighten the risks associated with defending against libel actions and place on pressure journalists to settle even if they have a chance of winning the case. The situation is not helped by the introduction of what are called contingency agreements and conditional fee agreements, abbreviated CFA, which means more people are able to sue in cases of libel (Crook, 2010). Thus, the amount of damages awarded, the costs involved, and the lack of barriers, present a disadvan tages situation, and these issues are further explored in the paragraphs that follow. Indeed, some statistics are instructive in pertaining a picture of the current situation as pertaining to costs and restrictions on speech. According to the Libel Reform campaign (Libel Reform, 2010), more than 30% of editors supported medical and scientific journals say they have been threatened with libel more than 40% have been asked to change the articles to protect from libel, and more than a third have an his work from journalists because of the fear of libel action. Moreover, the report, Free Speech Is Not For Sale, has also documented a long list of criticisms against the wealthy in society as the report documents how those who are in power have filed their suit in London because of the fact that 90% of such cases are usually won by claimant (The Guardian, 2010). The total costs have been documented to be above more than 1,000,000 pounds, 140 times more than the little cases that are held in the mainland of Europe (The Guardian, 2010). Because journalists and scientists are n ot able to afford such extraordinary costs, they usually end up withdrawing their comments, apologizing to publish material that they believe true information and are important to contributing to an informed public debate on issues that matter to society (BeVier, 1980). There are efforts for change in place. In 2009, the Justice Secretary in Britain, Jack straw, indicated the introduction of the government plans to reduce the fees to launch defamation cases so as to make the system more equitable (Mulholland, 2009). If such reforms are implemented, this will represent an important step forward in making the British system more equitable because the press is a vital element of democracy (Shiner, 2008). According to the media and legal literature (Petrova 2008), the press serves the function of informing the public and providing information that enables them to make choices as good citizens (Dahlberg, 2001). Therefore, being able to publish information and not restrict the freedom of expression is seen as being a critical component of democracy but presently this situation constrained in Britain because of the libel law (Loper, 1974; Hensley, 2001). Lord McNally Justice Minister of the United Kingdom has raised this concern recently. McNally indicated the urgent need to allow different forms of journalism or scientific research be able to be published without the fear of unfounded, lengthy and costly defamation and little cases being brought against them (Sweney, 2010, p. 1). However, to achieve this, the government as well as the justice minister is of the belief that what it requires is to reform the UK law on defamation to strike a balance between freedom of expression and the protection of reputation (Sweney, 2010, p. 1). Attempting to achieve this balance is very typical in considering the present system where costs are extremely high and where awards serve as a deterrent to achieving justice in the system. Moreover, there has been a great deal of discussion regarding the ease of launching a lawsuit in Britain and how the rich are involved in it (Lahlou, 2009). In fact, it has led to what is called libel tourism (Howard, 2008). With the term refers to is instances in which a company operating in for example Iceland complains about a newspaper that published information in Denmark, and then a London lawyer will be called to handle the case, and the court is held in Britain (Carvaja, 2008). One report launched, called Free Speech Is Not For Sale, showed how dangerous the law of defamation is in this respect (Libel Reform, 2010). According to the English law for example, any writer who contributes to blogs or journalists, can be sued in London irrespective of where they live or work and regardless of where the blog was published (The Guardian, 2010). This means that citizens in America or a citizen of Russia can be sued in Britain who are exercising their right of free speech in their own country. Obviously, this is a system that is not in the interest of free speech and is not in the interests of equity. The situation described above is not just theoretical. Many cases have resulted from libel tourism. The disadvantages stemming from the system in the UK can be seen in the case of writer, racial Ehrenfeld, who published a book about a Saudi billionaire entrepreneur and accused the entrepreneur of providing financial support to Islamic terrorist groups (Carvaja, 2008). Although the book was not published in Britain, only copies of the book had been purchased their online, the judge in the case ruled that the writer had to pay more than $200,000 and apologize for the allegations in the book as well as destroy existing copies of it. (Carvaja, 2008) The outcome of this particular case has not only affected the writer in question but is also affected other publishers because they are now afraid, according to Ehrenfeld, to publish information about potential terrorist or Saudi financiers even if the evidence is there. So because of the way the burden of proof operates, this can have an eff ect on limiting the amount of free speech. Globalization does not ease the burden on journalists. Because of globalization, where telecommunications are increasing the amount of information dispersal and access, the potential to sue in Britain is increased all around. For example, a television network that is based in Dubai and broadcast in Arabic was sued by a businessman in Tanzania who was disputing against allegations to ties to a terrorist group in a British court (Ungoed-Thomas Gillard, 2009). The British court was involved because the program was accessible through a satellite in Britain. The man from Tunisian was awarded more than $160,000 (Ungoed-Thomas Gillard, 2009). In the United States, there have been some legislative protections passed to protect U.S. journalists from the British system. New York State implemented the libel terrorism prevention act (Carvaja, 2008). The law that has been passed in New York is important for many reasons, one of which is that it helps to provide protection for her journalists to publish information. Essentially, what the Bill has done is to declare any judgments that may be made with regard to a US journalist unenforceable unless the country that is deciding on the case has free speech protections that are similar to the United States Constitutions First Amendment (Libel Reform, 2010). British citizens are not much happier with the current system, either. In fact, there is even a campaign that has been ongoing for some time, which can be found on libelreform.org (Libel Reform, 2010), and is urging individuals as well as politicians and businesses to reform libel laws. Those participating on the reform campaign see the system as unjust because it enables too many individuals to launch cases and silent claims that others do not agree with. This is not to say the system in the U.S. is perfect. For example, in the past there have been cases in which, in the United States, companies have open suits of commercial defamation when journalists have listed companies among those who face bankruptcy risk. Hertz did this by suing a journalist publishing information about Hertz, questioning its financial performance (Starkman, 2009). This brings up issues of whether those involved in market research and other research firms can criticize a company that is publicly listed without fearing defamation claims. The issue also demonstrate how commercial and publicly listed companies have involved federal courts to punish those who speak out on company performance ((Starkman, 2009). The issue is disturbing because it shows an abuse of the system as it pertains to defamation law, and it also undermines the freedom of speech, while bringing up very disturbing implications about what is journalists can publish about companies obviously, hav ing access to accurate information about company performance is something that should be able to be published (Crook, 2010). However, in the end, it appears the system in Britain presents far more concerns and undermines democracy. Conclusion The purpose of this report was to compare the law of defamation in the United States and the United Kingdom to determine which system serves society better. In considering the defamation law in the United States and the United Kingdom, one could conclude that the system in the United States is better. The reason why is mainly because in Britain there are too many ways for journalists to be sued and it compromises free speech guarantees. In contrast, in America, such are solely rooted in the foundations of the country. To be sure, this does not mean that the system in the United States is without flaw. But from the perspective of the present writer, it does appear that the system in the United States is better serve society than the system in the United Kingdom because in the UK so many people can be sued and it serves the rich better. This undermines equity and undermines free speech. Such analysis may coincide with others who have criticized the British system; even the Minister for Justice, Lord McNally, has indicated that the libel law in England is not fit for purpose and is striving throughout his career in the justice system to reform the system (Libel Reform: Justice Minister tells campaigners libel law à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"is not fit for purposeà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ , 2010).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Hathaway’s Poetry Essay
William Hathaway is a combat war veteran who has written many novels regarding war and men (Rommel). He usually takes mature and intimate subjects and topics. However, one of his poems entitled â€Å"Oh, Oh†catches none of these ideas. This is what makes the poem different. Instead of the usual subjects, Hathaway tackles a very childlike mirth in this poem. Although the use of words is quite complex and thought-provoking, the poem speaks of the young love blooming in the midst of a created world. This passionate poem with its rich imagery is an elegant example of two figures of speech, namely, irony and onomatopoeia. The imagery constructed by Hathaway in the poem is evident in many of the descriptions he has used. In the poem, through the use of diction and tone, the poet expresses the loving emotion that he feels towards his girl. He tries to take hold of the precious moment where he and his girl are alone in a field of grass. Furthermore, images of their dreams are also illustrated vividly. This was done by the use of the train and the railroad. As the train nears them, the dream of him being president fills the moment. The connection between the man and the girl is also established by the girl’s agreement to the dream, even adding, â€Å"and me first lady†(Hathaway 574). The relationship thus exhibited by the pair seems to deepen more as the passing train travels farther. Another very good method of enriching the imagery of the poem is actually evident on the poem’s title. Analyzing the title, it gives an impression of a calm and yet emotional air during the moment. Although the passing train is somewhat fast and the moment is short-lived, the poet effectively slows down the ticking of the clock due to the way he uses words that linger into the reader’s mind. For this reason, the author paints a nice image of the scene. One of the tools that made the poem’s imagery successfully depicted is the author’s use of different figures of speech. One of them is the onomatopoeia which is very obvious in most of the lines. In the first place, onomatopoeia is a figure of speech where imitation of natural sounds by words is employed (Microsoft Encarta). As can be seen from the title, the poem is seemingly full of onomatopoeic words. One such instance is the line, â€Å"moocows chomping daisies†(Hathaway 574). The animals were described by the use of the sounds they make, thus, creating a more vivid image as if the reader hears the natural sounds at that moment himself. Another such example is exhibited by â€Å"the choo-choos light†where the poet tries to let the reader hear the coming of the train with that sound characteristic of the train (Hathaway 574). As can be observed, although the poet did not really used the word train, it was already understood as such. What makes it different is that it gives a childlike touch to the poem. This effort is a good way of implying that the lovers are in their youthful years. The overall effect of the deliberate use of onomatopoeic verses thus gives the youthful spring to the poem. Besides the use of onomatopoeia, the author also uses the figure of speech known as irony. In this type, also known as paradox, the author tries to articulate contradicting ideas to drive a point or portray different images (Microsoft Encarta). Interestingly, the author does not actually use irony literally. Instead, the kind of irony used in the poem is that of situational irony, that means, there are two images that are depicted which complementarily contrast each other. This can be clearly explained by looking at the two circumstances that are represented in the poem. The first of the two images is that of nature. As can be seen from the opening verses of the poem, the author narrates the image of nature in grassland. He even tried to include grazing animals in his narration. Thus, the image is rendered as a natural environment where the living creatures such as â€Å"the moocows chomping daises†and the â€Å"grass stems†are thriving (Hathaway 574). On the other hand, the other image is that of the created world. This man-made image includes that of the rail road, the train and even those â€Å"Hells Angels†mentioned in the poem (Hathaway 574). All these things are created in the mechanical world of man, thus setting an unnatural environment. This mechanical image is the opposite image of the natural surrounding describe earlier. Therefore, such mechanical image and natural surrounding is a utilization of irony. What makes it more interesting is that the young couple seems to bridge these two images. The â€Å"arm waves to us from the black window†is a connection between these two contrasting images (Hathaway 574). The use of figures of speech in the poem makes its richer literary content. It gives an impression that the author played with appropriate words to create a youthful touch to the whole piece. The thing that sets the poem apart is its stillness in the midst of a fast-passing moment. The imagery was a masterpiece mainly contributed by the use of two figures of speech, specifically, onomatopoeia and irony. Using these classic tools of poetry, the author creates a poem full of emotion and passion.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
situational analysis - 6489 Words
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES AT CAMP SITES IN SOUTHERN JORDAN FOR THE PROPOSED CAMP SITE ECOLOGICAL STANDARDS FINAL REPORT PUBLIC ACTION FOR WATER, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT PROJECT PROSPERITY, LIVELIHOODS AND CONSERVING ECOSYSTEMS (PLACE) IQC TASK ORDER #5 Report no. 13 Ju n e 2011 Th is r ep o r t w as p r o d u ced f o r r eview b y t h e Un it ed St at es Ag en cy f o r In t er n at io n al Develo p m en t . It w as p r ep ar ed b y ECODIT f o r Public Action Project for Water, Energy and Environment project, Task Or d er No . EPP-I-05-06-00010-00. AUTHORITY Prepared for USAID/Jordan under Prosperity, Livelihoods and Conserving Ecosystems (PLACE) Indefinite Quantity Contract number†¦show more content†¦USAID/Jordan 2011 - Final Report on SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES AT CAMPSITES IN SOUTHERN JORDAN FOR THE PROPOSED CAMPSITES ECOLOGICAL STANDARDS PAGE II TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHORITY ............................................................................................................ I PREFACE ................................................................................................................. II TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. III 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1 1.1 STATEMENT OF NEEDS ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 TRIP OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................. 2 1.3 TEAM MEMEBERS ............................................................................................................ 2 2.0 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 3 2.1 FIELD OBSERVATIONS ...................................................................................................... 3 2.2 INFORMATION GATHERED FROM FIELD MEETINGS:Show MoreRelatedSituational Analysis1169 Words  | 5 PagesSituational Analysis University of Phoenix STR/GM581 International Strategic Planning Implementation Steven Hall Situational Analysis IKEA is a global home-furnishing retailer founded in 1943. â€Å"In 2008, IKEA had 253 stores in 24 countries plus 32 stores owned by franchisees and 20 stores expecting to open in 2009†(The Times 100, 2009, p. 1). 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By keeping food prices low, they gained the upper hand in the fast-food industry, but that doesn’t mean the food is also something to celebrate. McDonalds promoted the idea of cheap food at a cheap price. Their impact on global obesity increases as they gain more fame internationally. ForRead MoreHersey and Blanchard ´s Situational Leadership Theory Analysis2021 Words  | 9 PagesHersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) asserts that a leader’s effectiveness is dependent upon the readiness, or ability and willingness, of the leader’s followers to complete a task. This leadership style is an amalgamation of task-oriented and relationship-oriented characteristics that are employed depending upon the situation and the followers involved. According to the S LT, as followers increase in readiness the leader’s style is to adapt accordingly (Kinicki KreitnerRead MoreInternal And An External Situational Analysis On The Company s Environment2062 Words  | 9 PagesThis analysis will provide an internal and an external situational analysis on the company’s environment. It will also look at the strengths, weaknesses, competition and opportunities for the company in the future. The analysis will touch on the different units within the company such as morning foods, health and wellness, frozen, and snack items to determine if marketing can be established in increase sales overall for the company. . â€Æ' Analysis of Kellogg Company Kellogg is the top producerRead MoreSituational Analysis Of Qantas Airlines Situational Analysis1211 Words  | 5 Pages Situational Analysis This report largely focuses on constructing a situational analysis of Qantas Airlines. An organisations situational analysis refers to an analysis that consists of ascertaining the key factors that will be used as a basis for development of marketing strategy. (Elliot 2014). Situational analysis consists of the environment analysis (both internal and external environment), competitor’s analysis and finally the swot analysis. By analysing those elementsRead MoreSituational Analysis Essay1442 Words  | 6 PagesTeam A - Situational Analysis Karmarie Maldonado, Thomas Granvang, Thomasina Campbell, and Kanesha Madison STR/GM 581: International Strategic Planning and Implementation January 30, 2012 Jill M. Hagist The situational analysis is one of the four elements in a strategic management process and is an important step in the success of a business. This paper will present a background history of Toyota and provide the company’s mission and vision statement and values. The paper will provideRead MorePS4 Situational Analysis1358 Words  | 6 Pagesthey have the potential to enter. The report will include a situational analysis on Sony’s most recent product, the PlayStation 4. Through looking at the company’s current market, competitors and the external macro environment that has second hand effects on them. Furthermore, I will conduct a TOWS analysis, and then go on to make recommendations in relation to improving Sony’s corporate strategy. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Market Analysis: The current market for technological goods and services isRead MoreSituational Analysis Of Jetblue1192 Words  | 5 PagesStates, the Caribbean and Latin America. The airline uses various strategies such as interlining to meet more consumer demands and introduce its premium service, Mint, which aids in the expansion into emerging markets and developing nations. This case analysis describes the history of JetBlue, it’s products and services, an assessment of the firm’s strategic position and performance within the airline industry, issues that pose a threat to the organization and areas of growth and expansion into new areaRead MoreSituational Analysis, Airbus1448 Words  | 6 PagesSituational Analysis, Airbus. Porter’s Five Forces. Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors – The aviation industry is a very difficult industry to enter, and the risky of entry by potential competitors is extremely low. Rivalry among established companies – The intensity of rivalry among established companies within the aviation industry is very high. Currently the only competitor or Airbus is Boeing. Both of these companies gain market share from each other using prices, product design, advertising
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A Brief Note On The Movement And Exchange Of Goods,...
Globalism is the movement and exchange of goods, services and ideas between different parts of the world. It is a term used to describe the process going on in the world in which people from all over the world are unified into a single society and function together. This term is often used to refer to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. Globalism has brought some benefits and problems. Some of the advantages are: cheaper products for consumers, integration of markets, leads to outsourcing in some cases which can lead to job losses (moving call centers to India), lowering of international†¦show more content†¦The BPO successful in India is due to cheap labor cost and especially because of the skilled and talented Indian people. Indian BPO companies offer varied services. For example customer support, technical support, tele marketing, insurance process and more. A particular industry that has been instrumental in the growth of the Indian economy is IT. The IT industry, Information Technology is regarded as a hub of innovators providing world class technology solutions across the globe. It is a key part of India’s economy. India Call Center emerged in early twenty-first century and companies from diverse developed countries brought their operations to India, purely to drive efficiency. The call center operations help the companies not only to substantially improve the profit margins but also to concentrate on core businesses and to become more productive. Today, having the call centers in India makes business sense. India has the largest English-speaking population after the USA. India’s large and well-educated workforce has been one of India’s main advantages which is the main reason why outsource to call centers in India. However, they have to go through several weeks of training which converts them into fake Americans, Europeans or Australians because their Indian accent must be neutralized (Summer,2014). Hundreds of thousands of people are employed in call centers across India in which
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