Saturday, November 30, 2019
The rest of the novel Essay Example For Students
The rest of the novel Essay The extract I am studying is from pages 69 to 80, where the men are trying to convince Candy that his dog should be shot. This is a significant scene, as although the reader does not know yet, it is foreshadowing the death of Lennie at the end of the book. A good way that Steinbeck relieves the tension is by introducing a new character. Candy doesnt want to have the dog shot, but it has to be as it is old and physically crippled. George doesnt want to have Lennie killed, but he kills him to put him out of his misery and he is also useless and mentally crippled. We will write a custom essay on The rest of the novel specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The same gun is used and they are both shot in the same manner, in the back of the head (so they will feel no pain) Lennie is occasionally referred to in animal terms, Lennie is, as strong as a bull and George is like a terrier. However, there is one difference between the scenes later, after the dog has been shot by Carlson, Candy says I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldnt ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog. George remembers this when the time comes to shoot Lennie. The other men would shoot Lennie, but George has to make sure that he gets there first so that he can do it himself. The death of Candys dog also allows us to believe that the dream can come true. They speak about the dream when Candy is still there but he appears invisible, as he is silent. The main purpose of this part of the story is to develop the tension in the atmosphere and candys unwillingness to let Carlson shoot his dog. This is achieved using varying sentence lengths, also by repeating certain phrases, for example (silence fell on the room and candy looked up at slim for his opinion, these are both repeated a few times). Steinbeck relieves the tension by writing about different subjects. A new character is introduced, Whit, he is proud and excited after seeing an old friends name in a famous magazine, this shows us how lonely the men on the ranch are. A similarity is that candy needs his dog because he is very lonely, when his dog is going to be killed he loses hope but because he hears the new dream he also has a New Hope. The information about Whit continues for almost a page and this builds up the tension that we are waiting for something to happen with Candys dog.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Pushing ones Fortunes Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders
Pushing ones Fortunes Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders Since the modern world is practically based on the career theory, the new system of governing various branches of cultural and business life has also crept into the sphere of sports and health. This makes the theory of career development extremely important in the sphere of health care and health control as well.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Pushing one’s Fortunes: Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Pursuing the modern topic, the given essay deals with the issue of the career development theories in the sphere of health care. As Goonan (2009) says, â€Å"In this unprecedented environment for health care, a startling trend has emerged to highlight a potential path forward for many health care organizations†(2). The variety of the existing theories suggests a nig choice, yet there are only a few that deserve further consideration. Since the world of work is constantly changing, the approaches that are emerging with every single change that occurs are diverse and cannot be referred to a single theory in particular, embracing a wide range of notions and issues. The term of the career development employs quite a number of issues. The idea of the career development has been defined as â€Å"The process of assessing, aligning and balancing organizational and individual needs, capabilities, opportunities and challenges through multiple approaches and methods. It emphasizes the person as an individual who performs, configures and adapts various work roles. Its major intervention is self-assessment and developmental processes that affect individual and organizational abilities to generate optimal matches of people and jobs.†(Jackson 2000, 18) The numerous theories – as a matter of fact, there are seven of them already (Swanson 6), and it is highly expectable that the new ideas are going to be presented soon. One of the career th eories that has been suggested by Brown (2002) explains the career pace from the point of view of the values of people. Called a values-based theory, it clarifies the situation from the point of view of the psychology of an individual: â€Å"Values are central to Brown’s theory, and as a result locate him in this chapter as a theory of content†(39), Patton (2006) marks.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More She also admits that â€Å"Thus, while it emphasizes the importance of a particular trait, values, it also acknowledges the concept of development and the broader context in which individuals exist†(39). This allows suggesting that the theories currently existing are focused on the human’s psychology rather than on the economical side of the question. Patton also emphasizes that the values need to be defined once and for all to crea te the outline for the future career scheme: â€Å"As values are formed they become crystallized in the mind of the individual and prioritized, and the extent to which this occurs relates to cognitive clarity†(40). The other theory, created by Super, is defined as life-span and life-space approach, which can be explained as the approach that involves the idea of career as something that can be interpreted as the lifelong process. Self-improvement that a man undergoes as he passes a certain stage in his development is supposed to grow continuous and endless, since there is not end to perfection. Super also considers the internal and external factors that influence the development of self-concept in a particular man or woman. Both theories have been considered the most reasonable ones and are supposed to be unwound in the nearest future into profound basis for the psychology of employment and career growth. The both theories emphasize the importance of the self-determination a nd the man being aimed at a certain goal. The strategies that the theories presuppose to take can be considered as the plan for a person to take a look at his or her inner world before making the necessary steps towards the career improvement. Basically, the key components for the career theory are not numerous. They involve the following items: self-concept, strategies and tasks, career maturity, life-stage model and the role of counselor. The latter is supposed to be the top which a man must be striving for in case he or she wants to organize their job in the best and most profitable way.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Pushing one’s Fortunes: Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it can be suggested that this list requires a subtle changing, since the world of work and employment is constantly changing, and there is no stop to the suggestions and ideas that are continuously emerging as the possible improvements. As the three pillars that the modern theories and suggestions are based on, the points that Brown suggested in his value theory seem to be the most promising ideas to develop and to build the career development schemes on. â€Å"An intentional strategic initiative†, as Chakiris (2002, 4) defined it, it needs close consideration. Brown (2002) distinguishes fourteen elements, or values, that the theory of work organization and career improvement are supposed to base on. Again, the notions that he grounds his theories on are the treats of character, that is, he appeals to the personal qualities rather than the improvement of the professional skills. In fact, that is the point that Brown puts almost at the bottom of the scheme of the career growth. A paradox as it is, this still works right for the people who are trying to get a promotion. After all, according to Guerriero (1998), â€Å"defining your strongest skills setâ € (31) must be one of the prior concerns of employees. The ideas of the theory of values that Brown exercises are the following. First, he mentions the category of achievement. Indeed, it is very important to mark the stages that one has already passed on the way to perfection. The second concern of the author is the case of belonging. In the situation when the work seems rather wearing than inspiring, one should ask himself whether this job is the one that he or she belongs to.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The concern for environment calls to check whether the atmosphere of the working place is safe enough for the train of thoughts to be productive and bring the results of various tasks and solutions for the work problems and tasks. Then, an important element is the concern for the others. However strange it might sound, the idea of helping the others is almost extinct in the modern world of employment, the rivalry blossoming and flourishing, though. Thus, the concept of concern for the others is one more means to stay a decent person and keep the necessary self-esteem. The so-called generic self-awareness, as well as overall career management skill development (Binding 2005, 26) comes to the forth in this respect. At this point one can draw the line between the internal and external careers (Arthur 1989, 467) as the growth of the professionalism which might not be reflected in the career growth, and the promotion, that is not always the signal of the highly developed working skills. Creativity, spirituality and privacy are the elements so closely interconnected that they cannot be separated. Indeed, it is absolutely impossible to work in the field where there is no room for imagination and new capturing projects. Meanwhile, the thought of the creative suggestions that one might give make the person feel responsible for the ideas that he is planning to put into practice. Independence and interdependence are connected in the same tight way. However paradoxical that might sound, these elements are linked close to each other. Working independently and using their own intelligence, each of the workers is a link of the big chain that encompasses the enterprise. Whenever there is one link missing, the whole work is brought down, and there is no way it can be restored. Humility and objective analysis are extremely necessary when working on an important project that needs attention and meticulous treatment. According to the three counseling principles worked out by Kidd (2006, 52), the most desirable objective for most employees is their own profit; the theories themselves called â€Å"person-centered†, they clarify the point in the most obvious way, and it shows that people have to work on this treat of theirs. With all these fourteen principles incorporated, one is sure to obtain the long-awaited success in work and will be soon promoted to the sphere he or she has always wanted to work in. However, it seems that this analysis, though perfectly performed, still lacks something that is absolutely necessary to take into consideration nowadays, with the modern tendency to strive for a better result and for a better job position. This something should not concern the private traits of character of the given person only, but also the tactics and strategy of the line of conduct in the workplace. In the reality, numerous conflicts are unavoidable. Thus, it is reasonable that an employee should also bear in mind the scheme of how to react to the aggressive treatment from a colleague or, which is more unpleasant, from a boss. The means to avoid the open conflict and to iron out the difficulties that might burst into another clash of opinions is the skill that is of extreme need for the modern employee, wherever he might work. It must be also born in mind that the suggestions for the workers to improve their state of business and to get a better grip on their jobs can be applicable not to all of the people, mostly according to the type of the temperament that they possess. As a rule, all the strategies that have been developed so far consider the job promotion for those people who have the makings of becoming a leader, but not for those who simply are wishing to change the environment. Actually, the number of the so-called sanguine people is much lesser than the number of people with the choleric type of character. In spite of the fact that character is something that cannot be changed at all, as the psychological researches claim, most of the pieces of advice that have been developed for the people to reach the top of their career can be applied to the people of sanguine character only. In fact, there are no reasons that explain such unfair situation. So it seems that there must also be the theories of success for the people with different types of character, as the guideline for them to succeed on their way to the top of their career. In addition, it would also be a good idea to include some more points in the existing theories of success. Thus, it seems reasonable that the abovementioned points that cover Brown’s ideas of values should be arranged as a scale, and that they should also include some ideas of how to cope with the difficulties of communication that one can encounter while working in the office. Indeed, sometimes conflicts can spring out of nowhere and result in serious problem. And it goes without saying that the conflicts with the boss should be also foreseen in these instruction s, as one of the most stressful working situations where people need good advice. To sum up, although the basis for the theories of employment have been worked out long before, there are still some adjustments needed to apply, taking into account the pace of the progress and the numerous innovations that have been brought to the people by the new era. The development of the career theories goes fats, and people have to make use of it. In case they do, there is the hope that the level of unemployment will reduce sufficiently. Reference List Arthur, M. B. et al. (1989). Handbook of Career Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Print. Binding, C., Field, S. (2005). Career Management: An Approach for Medical Schools, Royal Colleges and Trusts. London: The Stationery Office. Brown, Duane (2002). Career Choice and Development. New York, NY: Wiley and Sons. Print. Chakiris, B. J. (2002). Basics of Career Systems Development. Alexandra, VA: American Society for Training and Devel opment. Print. Goonan, K. J. (2009) Journey to Excellence: How Baldridge Health Care Leaders Succeeded. St. Louis, MO: American Society for Quality. Print. Guerriero, J. M., Allen R. G. (1998). Key Questions in Career Counseling: Techniques to Deliver Effective Career Counseling Services. New York, NY: Routledge. Jackson, T. (2000) Career Development. London: CIPD Publishing. Print. Kidd, J. M. (2006).Understanding Career Counseling: Theory, Research and Practice. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publishing. Patton, W., McMahon, M. (2006). Career Development and Systems Theory. Boston, MA: Sense Publishers. Print. Swanson, J. L., Fouad, N. A. (2009). Career Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks , CA : SAGE.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Using Text Styles in Google Docs
Using Text Styles in Google Docs Using Text Styles in Google Docs Many people now use Google Docs to create and share documents. And to make sure your document looks as good as it reads, you’ll need to apply clear, consistent formatting throughout. The quickest way to do this in Google Docs is via the Styles menu, so let’s look at how this works. Text Styles in Google Docs The Styles menu in Google Docs. Google Docs has a range of formatting options. But rather than applying each element of formatting manually, you can use the Styles menu. This is a list of default text styles, including: Normal Text – Usable for the main text of your document Title – Very large text designed for the main title of a document Subtitle – Usable for a subtitle under the main title in a document Headings – A set of heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.) that you can use for headings and subheadings throughout your document You can apply these default text styles by simply: Placing the cursor in the passage of text you want to format Going to the Styles menu and clicking the style you want to apply If the default styles aren’t what you’re after, though, you can also tailor them. Customizing Text Styles To customize the default styles in Google Docs, you need to: Apply the formatting required somewhere in your document Select the newly formatted text Go to the Styles menu and find the style you want to update Follow the arrow to the right and click Update â€Å"Style Name†to match Customizing a style. The style will then change to match the formatting of the selected text. It will also update any text to which you’ve already applied the style, which helps to ensure consistency. And if you want to use the same custom styles again at a later date, you can save your settings: Open the Styles menu and go to Options at the bottom Select Save as my default styles to save your current settings Saving custom text styles. Next time you want to use those saved styles in a Google document, simply go to Styles Options Use my default styles. Don’t forget, too, to have your documents checked by a professional proofreader. This will ensure your writing is always error free and easy to read.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Key Points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Key Points - Essay Example Firstly, the article highlights that the financial distress impairs the ability of banks and other financial institutions to generate liquidity and thus, take a precautious approach to building risk profile of their loans. It becomes difficult for small businesses to get access to credit from these institutions which can be major contributors to the recovery of the US economy. Eichengreen (2011) is of the view that recent financial crisis is much more severe as compared to the Great Depression as it is likely to the growth rates of advanced economies as these economies are highly credit driven. Secondly, the article highlights that there is a little evidence from the Great Depression suggesting that the increase in the public debt in the form of higher budget deficit and government borrowing actually contributes to the slowdown in the investment. Although, it is argued that over public debt leads to change in tax policies, and higher interest rates making investments unattractive but the evidences from the Great Depression period suggest that after it the public debt increased by more than double however, the interest rates were not high. Thirdly, Eichengreen (2011) presented evidence from the Great Depression period that the slowdown in the economy actually created opportunities for businesses to take advantage from and reorganize themselves in a way that they are able to create more value in the period of recovery following the depressed conditions in the economy. However, one aspect of recovery that is more relevant to the recent crisis mentioned in the article is the slowdown in technology generation and implementation which can surely have greater implications for the current
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Examine the relationship between content and form in any of the texts, Essay
Examine the relationship between content and form in any of the texts, photographs, or portfolios in the section - Essay Example The individual insight with a subjective value is inevitable. For instance, on the first photo we may observe people against the background of Leaning Tower of Pisa. They make a picture of memorable moment in their life and stay in famous position showing a person who preserves a Tower. For some people it is just a tourist who made a funny picture, for others it is a close friend who visits a historical place of interest. As for the person who is in the photo is it some other connotation with a special meaning. The second photo represents the tourist group in front of the Temple of Athena. Still, the foreground of the picture involves a person who makes the photo of this people. It may be the tourist from this group, or a guide of the excursion or even a random tripper with no relation to this exact group. A man is a form while the variety of contents is different to any possible viewer. The second important thing is the origin and types of occurred meanings that appear in the process of perception and interpretation of creation. The question of origin is coherent and logical. It depends from the observer and predetermines by his/her social, cultural, intellectual and other competencies (Durant and Fabb, 142). What is more, every person attains individual perception that is fully subjective. It is clear that people who visit historical places what are in the pictures will acquire rather sundry connotations than those who dream to make a vacation in these places. As for the types of meaning it is rather controversial. Recent research investigations divide this huge variety of connotations on two basic kinds. Peirce identifies coded and non-coded relationships between form and content (Durant and Fabb, 142). Still, these types may mix, and one connotation may contract both types or interchange it according to some
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Customer Service Positions Essay Example for Free
Customer Service Positions Essay There are several types of customer service jobs out in the world that have certain requirements and back rounds that need to be met in order to qualify for a certain job. I found a job post on for a customer service management position through the company Ecovacs Robotic Inc. located in Glendale, California. A customer service manager is to provide excellent customer service policy for the organization, develop a customer service policy for the organization, manage and hire a team of customer service staff, and handle face to face inquires. Ecovacs is a company that sales different variety of electronics. To qualify for this position, you have to either have a Bachelors Degree or equivalent experience plus five years customer service experience. It is also required to have exceptional interpersonal communication and negation skills. ( The major requirements to work at Ecovacs are performing excellent management, training, and development skills. As a customer service manager you must lead your team to meet organizational objectives and achieve results to build up the company you’re working for. Being able to organize and plan multiple priorities to meet deadlines. Ecovacs wants you to have two years’ experience in the electronic and technology industry of sales. Majority of the customer service positions for different companies requires the same criteria as far as managing a team of staff, knowing how to communicate, and being able to set up plans and meeting your goals as a team and company. A median salary for a customer service manager in the state of California is $38,000 a year. California’s salary is eight percent higher than average customer service manager salaries and incomes nationwide. Nationwide it ranges between $32,000 and $34,000 a year. ( On they had an opening position for a medical receptionist in Illinois. A medical receptionist works in the Healthcare Services according to A medical receptionist does not require college level education. The requirements to become a medical receptionist are to have one to three years’ experience as a receptionist in a medical practice. It’s required that you have open availability which means you are able to work a flexible schedule with rotating weekends. You must have a reliable source of transportation because you’ll have to travel to two different locations weekly. You must have knowledge of ICD-9 and CPI’s and have excellent written and oral communications skills. A medical receptionist job is checking in patients, answering phone calls and taking messages. It is required that you know how to communicate with insurance companies in order for customers to receive prescription coverage and have valid insurance information. A medical receptionist must be able to constantly be on your feet, engaging in several tasks which require a lot of multi-tasking. The average salary for a medical receptionists ranges from $23,000 to $25,000 a year nationwide. ( Working at Safeway we are a company that promotes excellent customer service. I decided to research the job of a cashier position. I visited for more information about a cashiers position. I did not find the information I needed so I went to for a detailed description about a cashier. A cashier, according to is an employee, as in a market or department store, who collects payments for customer purchases. A cashier is responsible for maintaining guest services as company standard, generate sales, operate sales, operate cash registers, and follow all company policies at all times. A cashier must have a high school diploma or the GED equivalent in order to qualify for the position. ( The requirements to become a cashier are being able to work varied hours and days as business dictates. You must be able to read, count, and write all documentation accurately. You must be able to communicate with associates and guests and be willing to anticipate customer needs. You also are required to maintain awareness of all product knowledge information, weekly promotions, and offer samples to customers when asking about a certain product, if you’re able to sample it. I know this first hand working in the bakery at Safeway. A cashier must also know how to make labels and tags for promotional items and product that goes on in sale in general. Also you must complete all duties assigned by management and communicate when you’re done with those duties or duty. Depending on what state you reside, a cashier can make $6.99 to $14.00 an hour or more. ( The last job I decided to do research on was the position of a daycare assistant. My mother and sister are in the process of opening a childcare center so I thought it would be good to do research on the responsibilities of a daycare assistant. A daycare assistant is an employee who assists the director or teacher of a daycare facility with enrollment, hiring and supervising faculty, facility management, maintaining superb customer relations, handling management reporting tasks, and working with children from newborns to twelve years of age. ( The responsibilities of a daycare assistant is to set up activities and clean up after children. They also have to supervise children and help with jobs such as feeding and diapering toddlers and infants. Assistance keeps track of toddlers and infants behavior and communicates progress of children to parents. In order to become a daycare assistant, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent. You must be CPR and first aid certified just in case a staff member or child chokes on food or an object. You also must get a background check in which you have to have a fingerprint clearance, no criminal background like child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, prosecution, and molestation. Assistants who want to become daycare teachers or supervisors usually should have a minimum of an Associates degree in the field of Childhood of Early Learning. ( According to, the average salary for daycare assistants are $38,000 a year nationwide. There are all types of customer service jobs out there that require all different types of responsibilities and education. Working in the field of customer service, I have met most of the requirements from each job I researched online. I want to work in the field of communication and I know it is required that I have a Bacherlors degree and exceptional customer service skills and have knowledge about my job. References Daycare Assistant resources Davies, Faith. Day Care Assistant Job Description | EHow. EHow. Demand Media, 22 Dec. 2009. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. Job Not Found | N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.!-Children%27s-Centerst=Child+Carejk=c220f26e0c22377esjdu=PfqW7OX-Y30gm1KgHUU8l4rlETR0V6maUXSL9Dn0qzaLz8h-P_GYMqQakJ_0OjgHzv1wNooo0v2ri2iBDlHIvQ Cashier Resources About SHRM. Login. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. Safeway Official Site. Safeway Official Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. Cashier Job Description. How to Become a Cashier. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. Medical Receptionist Resources â€Å"Medical Receptionist Position Description.† Illnois, N.p., Web. 19 Jan. 2014 Customer Service Manager Resources Customer Service Manager: Job Description. | N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. Customer Service Manager. Job in Glendale 91203, California US. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. Ecovacs Robotics Inc. Major Website Resources To Find Jobs Search Jobs for FREE with Monster. Search Jobs for FREE with Monster. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Oneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar Essay -- Thoreau Walden
Oneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar  Some of the most prominent works which express a relationship between the individual and nature are undoubtedly Walden by Henry David Thoreau and the essays written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, specifically Nature and The American Scholar. In each of these works, an idea of wholeness, "oneness," with nature is expressed. Thoreau and Emerson both believe that man, in order to live a full, happy life, must live in harmony with nature. Both writers share several ideas as to how this oneness with nature can be achieved, and its significance. Emerson, in his Scholar address, states that nature is the most important influence on man and his thinking. Because in nature there is no beginning and no end, it is circular, or whole. In this, nature is like God, and like man's spirit, because there is no beginning or end to it, just a circular movement that creates a whole. We also see this idea of a whole in man. Emerson describes men as not many singular entities, but as parts of One Man. God created man as a whole, but with diverse aspects and abilities so that he may better function. As God created man as a whole, so he created nature as whole, and man as one with nature so that he may function better spiritually. In Walden, we are given Thoreau's perspective of One Man and nature. Thoreau believes he can better understand society as a whole by living outside of it, by living in the simplicity offered by nature. Thoreau and Emerson both believe that to transcend and achieve this oneness with nature, man must educate himself mentally and spiritually. While both writers recognize the importance of books and reading as a precursor to spiritual growth, they also both feel that one ca... ...nscendentalists, through their theoretical essays and literature, made a strong case for man to recognize the importance of nature in his life. Emerson felt that men who did not achieve this oneness with nature could not experience God or the Divine, and thus their lives were not fulfilling or spiritually whole. In Walden, Thoreau's main purpose is to celebrate life and to help men recognize the potential fullness and elation of life by making them aware of their own ability for spiritual growth. In order to achieve spiritual growth, or transcend, Thoreau feels that one must first evaluate his life and be willing to change it. Other artists of this time echoed Thoreau and Emerson's sentiments in their own creativity, their own journey to spiritual fulfillment, which only strengthened the premise that man and nature were one and that man without nature was not whole.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Is Christian Morality Today Too Lenient
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Morality is a personal or social set of standards for good or bad behavior and character, or the quality of being right, honest or acceptable. It is characteristically the way you make decisions based on what you think is right or wrong. It is this same principle that today is affecting the Christian Population. Christians are being tormented with daunting questions such as: Am I doing the right thing? Should I do the right thing even though it may end up affecting me? How come nonbelievers get to have fun and I can’t? Just because I attend church and I am a Christian, does it mean that I have to do what the church says? on a daily basis. Christian morality hasn’t changed and should not ever change. It is a constant. The New Testament reminds us that Christian Morality is a contract with God and mankind. In fact, Leviticus 19 says that we should follow his commandments and be moral; not to steal, not to lie, not to commit adultery etc. if we plan to get to heaven. However, this warning seems to be considered a fraud due the amount of people who subscribe to these laws seem to diminish every day. This, therefore, gives reason to my opinion that Christian morality is having a tough time surviving due to its leniency. As compared to years past, the principle of Christian morality has been taken advantage of. People tend to make decisions now based on social pressures and what they feel will be accepted. They believe that because the entire world is doing something, they should too or else they would be considered an outcast. Therefore, they end up making their decisions in vacuums, without a solid base. In the past, the church, the society, parents and elders had an input in guiding and helping in the decision making process of its young people. In fact, Christian Morality can be considered too tolerant as compared to the adjective lenient. For example, many people watch things in movies and television that they shouldn't, sometimes hangout with the wrong people and think nothing of a hearing a dirty joke or something similar. They put worldly things before God- sports, entertainment, people, and their needs. A very common example in Belize is the willingness among teenagers to engage in sexual activity in spite of heir Christian moral values. Even though the Christian church has certain rules that its followers should follow, teenagers ignore them and turn on their good Christian morals. The same with the music; Christian music has meaning but because of wanting to attract youths, they use the rhythm of secular music. This cheap tactic works; however, youths are attracted to the sound of the music rather than the message. We live in a society of carnality, brutality and mortality since our motivation stems from our longing for â€Å"comfort†, â€Å"convenience†and â€Å"pleasure†. In order to achieve this, people who practice to be moral are attacked and made irrelevant. Those who defend past principles and try to practice their traditional Christian values are being put down and becoming an insignificant minority. Liberal institutions condemn the church for its Christian moral values and try to instill in our youths immorality and unethical values. I believe that the Christian Church need not change their morals but try to become stricter while still keeping their traditional values and hopefully a spark of hope will be lit.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Case Study Wal-Mart Essay
Evaluate the general environment of Wal-Mart using the framework in Chapter 2. What are the key opportunities and threats facing Wal-Mart? (This is the â€Å"OT†of a SWOT analysis)Wal-Mart’s builds its stores in towns with a population size of 5000-25,000 people. Wal-Mart has recently started to tap into the more populated city suburbs by building smaller less obtrusive stores in those regions. Wal-Mart targets every age group from infants to senior citizens. Wal-Mart’s geographically places it’s stores in rural less populated areas with very few employment opportunities. Wal-Mart tries to attract all income levels by selling brand name items along with generic brand items. Wal-Mart approaches its global market by evaluating market potential based on economic and political risk, growth potential, and availability of real estate for development. In countries that had became saturated Wal-Mart used acquisitions to acquire ownership. In markets that were not saturated and land was easily accessible Wal-Mart used organic growth. The technology that Wal-Mart uses to run their business is unmatched. They have a network of satellites that can track a person purchase and automatically refurbish those items from suppliers without any human intervention. Wal-Mart maximizes efficiency by using effective technology to gain a competitive advantage. Wal-Mart has grown into a global empire and has become the world largest private employer and the number one retailer in the world. Despite all of this success Wal-Mart still has a huge opportunity to grow. Wal-Mart continues to adapt to the ever-changing economy by remodeling their store and by placing the customer as their number one priority. Wal-Mart took advantage of its rural locations early on and gained a significant competitive advantage, now Wal-Mart is taking on the urban environment by placing stores in the outskirts of major metropolitan areas. At first local residents rejected the idea of having a Wal-Mart in their neighborhood for fear it would drive down property value and unwanted individuals to their suburbanite neighborhood. Wal-Mart quickly resolved this problem by changing the format and size of their stores located in these regions. The only threats to Wal-Mart faces are mostly from within (eg..) lawsuits employee disputes and the threat to become unionized. Use Porter’s Five Forces Model to analyze the global retailing industry. Given this analysis, is the industry attractive or unattractive? Support your decision. Wal-Mart is a huge threat to new entrants. Wal-Mart has created huge barriers to new entries by offering one stop shopping. Wal-Mart’s Super Centers offer everything from prepared meals to sports gear. Grocery chains have taken a huge hit because of this, even Kmart is feeling the heat, there stock hit rock bottom in 2004. The discount clothing and apparels have also taken a bite from this retail giant. Wal-Mart has produced a very proficient economy of scale from incremental improvements that they have acquired since becoming so large. Manufactures scramble to try and keep up with the huge demand that Wal-Mart places on its suppliers, this further reduces the prices of goods and services for their customers. Small-scale entries are nearly impossible in a region where Wal-Mart is located. Large-scale entries face the retaliation factor when trying to tap into Wal-Mart’s market because suppliers are forced to do things the Wal-Mart way. Wal-Mart has successfully customized many of their products and forced manufactures have been forced to produce the Wal-Mart brand. Wal-Mart has taken total control of the bargaining power of suppliers. Wal-Mart has a small group of buyers based in Bentonville Arkansas that’s in charge of managing the purchasing of all retail stores. Wal-Mart is responsible for selling 35% of all pet food, 24% of all toothpaste, the largest volume of jewelry, groceries, DVDs, CDs, toys, guns, diapers, sporting goods, bedding, and numerous other things. This has put the retail giant in a very favorable negotiating position with suppliers. Wal-Mart has generated a huge market of loyal buyers by supplying them with the lowest possible prices for quality products. With Wal-Mart having such a huge share of the market and good prices there is no need for buyers to seek deals elsewhere. Wal-Mart has proven to be a huge threat of substitute products in several industries for example the jewelry industry, Wal-Mart has become one of the leading jewelry dealers in the North America. Wal-Mart has also created its own brand name for several of its items that have been so successful that manufactures are forced to produce products bearing the Wal-Mart brand. Wal-Mart competitors have to be very calculated with their responses because Wal-Mart is so large it can really drive a business under ground (Kmart). What is Wal-Mart’s business-level strategy? Is the strategy appropriate to offset the forces in the industry? Do you recommend any changes? If not, support your decision why you would not recommend any changes. Wal-Mart uses Integrated Lost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy. Wal-Mart has offset the forces in the industry by creating the most efficient supply chain in the industry. Efficient production has allowed Wal-Mart to keep cost low and pass own saving to its customers. Wal-Mart has successfully used Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy by setting the pace in new technology and adapting quickly to new technologies in their external environment. Concentration on the needs of its core customers (discount retailers), Wal-Mart has created a friendly family environment that’s economically smart and beneficial to its patrons. Flexibility is one of Wal-Mart’s strongest assets, which allows them to complete primary and support activities in ways that allow them to produce somewhat differentiated products at a low cost. I would not personally recommend any changes to this strategy because it has made Wal-Mart the worlds largest retailer. What is your evaluation of the leadership at Wal-Mart?Wal-Mart has become the most successful business in the world through its un-yielding leadership. Mr. Walton has laid the foundation for success for years to come. The leaders at Wal-Mart focus on providing the customer with the highest possible quality at the lowest possible cost. They have redefined the retail industry with their cutting edge technology and flexibility that is un-matched by any competitor. The fact that upper management travel in economy class shows a lot about the character within the organization. The leadership at Wal-Mart has made the world we live in much smaller through economic availability and convenience. The leaders at Wal-Mart are a true example of profit through customer satisfaction. Works Cited Hitt, M., Ireland, R., & Hoskisson, R. (2007), Strategic Management, Competitiveness andGlobalization: Concepts and Cases. 7th ed. Mason: Thomson South-Western(August 21, 2006). Global Labor Strategies: Wal-Mart: The Homefront. RetrievedSeptember 18, 2007,
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Alexander the Great - A Leader essays
Alexander the Great - A Leader essays Alexander "The Great" (356 - 323 B. C.) Alexander was born in 356 B.C. His father was, Philip, the King of Macedonia and his mother was Olympias, daughter of King Neoptolemus I of Epirus (Albania). Philip was very proud of his son Alexander, but they had a very stormy relationship. Philips multiple marriages took a toll on Alexander. Olympias was very jealous and spiteful towards Philip's "lesser" wives. Alexander had a half-sister named Cleopatra (not the famous Egyptian Queen) and a half-brother named Arrhidaeus. Arrhidaeus was brain-damaged, it was rumored that Olympias had given the boy drugs in vengeance and fear for Alexander's inheritance. Philip made sure that Alexander was well educated. He sent for Aristotle to be one of his tutors. Alexander became friends with a boy named Hephaestion, they would remain loyal to each other for life. h He had a thirst for knowledge Philip often left Alexander in charge when he was taken away from Macedonia on business. At the age of sixteen, during one of his father's absences, Alexander led an army to subdue the rebellious "barbarians" (Maedi). He managed to move the Maedi out and renamed the city Alexandropolis, after himself. After this, he became the general of his father's army. During the celebrations for Philip's marriage to his final wife, a falling out occurred between Alexander and his father. The bride's uncle toasted the couple, saying that he hoped that a legitimate heir to the throne would result from the marriage. Alexander became enraged shouting "What about me? Am I a bastard?" and threw a goblet at the uncle. Philip, who was intoxicated, drew his sword and lunged at Alexander. He lost his balance and fell on the floor. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Chemistry Report on Explosives
Chemistry Report on Explosives Chemistry Report on Explosives What is meant byoxidation and show how oxidation reactions are used to cause explosions. Oxidation is the term used for the combinationof a substance with oxygen, or in general any reaction where an atom ormolecule loses electrons. This can be shown as: C (s) + O2 (g) CO (g) S=solid, g=gas Gunpowderor black powder is the oldest explosive we know. It is made up of a mixture ofpotassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre or KNO 3 ), charcoal, andsulfur in different proportions. When gunpowder is manufactured today, it ismade with the ratios 7.5:1.5:1 by mass (2). Bothgunpowder and dynamite have within them substances which are readily availableto oxidation. The oxygen which is used for the oxidation is an intrinsic partof the mixture, and is held within them in the same manner that oxygen isstored in the chemical potassium chlorate. Whengunpowder is ignited, this oxidation is extremely rapid, and a large volume ofgas is produced. The gasses are under ex treme pressure, which causesthem to expand rapidly. Heat is produced causing the gas particles toaccelerate, creating even more pressure. If the gas expands faster than thespeed of sound, this creates a shockwave. The pressure produced by the gassesis what causes parts of the bomb (shrapnel) to be propelled far and wide atvery high speeds(1). Thespeed at which something oxidises is dependant on its potential to interactwith oxygen. The greater number of unstable electrons that a molecule or atomhas to lose, the quicker it will be oxidised (3). b)     Give an account of thedevelopment of chemical compounds for use in explosives. Describe theadvantages of each new chemical explosive over its predecessors, and describehow the explosives were adapted to make them safer and more effective. (9marks) It is thought that the firstexplosive discovered was ‘black powder’, originating in 10th Century China. Itwas used for ceremonial fireworks. In Europe, 1242 saw the formula for blackpowder being published by Roger Bacon. The refinement of the substance closelyfollowed after the gun was invented by Berthold Schwartz in 1300. Around thistime, black powder was being used for removal of rocks, the teqnique was knownas fire setting, but this was replaced with blasting at the beginning of the17th Century. There are records of blasting in America from 1773 (4). The production of black powderwas rapidly increased during the American Revolution. By the turn of thecentury, the commercial production of the explosive had grown from 25 millionto 100 million (2). In 1846, Nitroglycerin wasdiscovered by Ascanio Sobrero. Nitroglycerin plasticizes collodion which is aform of nitrocellulose to form blasting gelatin. This is a very powerfulexplosive. The discovery of this action led to the advancement of ballistite, thefirst double-base propellant and a precursor of cordite. Alfred Nobel built a factory toproduce it in 1861 in Sweden. An advantage of nitroglycer in was its massiveexplosive power, but it was very difficult to transport as it is a liquid,which used black powder to ignite it. It could also freeze and had toxic fumeswhich caused severe headaches (5). In 1867, Nobel accidentallyinvented Dynamite and he went on to patent his mixture. It was a greatdiscovery, being more powerful than black powder, with a higher detonationvelocity which made it much more effective breaking rock as it not only moved,but broke apart the rock
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Kristen Cookie Company Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Kristen Cookie Company - Term Paper Example Computation of the company’s optimum capacity compared to its break-even point also revealed that the present production system cannot make the company viable because optimum capacity is almost equal to break-even point. Having identified the weaknesses in Kirsten Cookie Company, recommendations were made on how to eliminate the bottleneck in production and how to make the company more viable and competetive in general. I. Introduction Background information Kristen’s Cookie Company is a company that I co-own with my roommate. We operate in an on-campus apartment with the university students and personnel as our primary market. The initial idea of the company is to bake fresh cookies to order, using any combination of ingredients that the customer wants. The cookies that were ordered will be available for pick up within an hour. Thesis of the case study This study will investigate whether the chosen production process which is the made to order is the most profi table mode of production considering the kind of market that we have and the facility and opportunity available to us. During the course of its investigation, it is important to note that the organization is a start-up company and is operated and manned by its owners (me and my roommate) and as such, this limitation should be considered in the assessment of the organization to arrive at an accurate findings where realistic recommendations can be made where it is appropriate. II. Methodology SWOT Analysis SWOT provides an organization the environmental assessment of which it operates and thus provides the framework to determine the appropriateness of Kristen Cookie Company’s production process. It includes both the internal and external factors of an organization’s environment. The internal factors involve the internal capability of an organization as expressed by the strength and weakness of SWOT. The external environment of an organization is expressed in the opportun ities and threats of the SWOT (Beagrie, 2004). SWOT provides a reality check in determining the appropriateness of the elected production process in the initial phase of Kirsten Cookie Company. Strength Making cookies through made to order has a marketing appeal of having a product that is freshly baked right from the oven cookies. Compared to the make to stocked cookies, they are fresher and relatively tastes better. Producing cookies through made to order minimizes risk because the company keeps no inventory of its finished products that has the potential of incurring loss due to spoilage and waste when it is not sold before its expiration date. Weakness The make to order production of cookies limits the production capacity of the business according to the number of orders which are done in almost real time (one hour before the customer can pick up their cookies). It also does not optimize production capacity and makes the facility vulnerable to idleness during off season. It is a lso vulnerable to opportunity cost because the company’s commitment to sell freshly baked cookies which the customers can pick up after an hour of ordering implies opportunity lost with demands foregone during the day (the business only operates at night and has a commitment that customers can pick up their cookies after an hour of ordering). Given the capacity of its facility, the make to order production system also has a bottleneck in the baking stage where it will compile buffers as it takes longer to bake (10 mins) before the next batch will arrive (6 mins for the 3 trays to complete).
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